I made this artwork inspired by the discussions at CITES CoP-19. Throughout the video, I describe how negotiations for species listings were decided and touch on some of the thornier aspects of the Convention.
I attended the CoP in Panama on behalf of the Beastly Business project as management for the Appendix II listed European eel was under discussion. CoP-19 also saw renewed interest in the songbird trade - although European species were not focussed on.
I produced this video presentation for World Wildlife Day 2020. It highlights some of the background research into the international and illegal wildlife trades and CITES regulations that underpin my PhD project.
The presentation focuses on how different wildlife are utilised and how sustainability in wildlife trade is understood.
These are key themes underpinning my research which focuses on the potential for speciesism (a bias toward certain species) when regulating wildlife trades and protecting traded species.
For more details on World Wildlife Day: